Making the Coalition Agreement work in Bury St Edmunds
The Coalition Agreement between the Liberal Democrats and the Tories is going to see a lot of changes enacted and many can be done now without any primary legislation.
David Cameron had a good idea last year when he proposed that all Councils publish their expenses on line so the public can see where there money went. I put a Motion to Council in September 09 to this effect, but it was voted down. Now this proposal is part of the Coalition Agreement.
There is a serious commitment to a radical devolution of power and greater financial autonomy for local government, but also to community groups. There will be new powers to help save local facilities so hopefully this will help save New Bury Community Centre.
There will also be a long overdue reform of the planning system to give neighbourhoods far more ability to determine the shape of their community, with added protection to the Green Belt and Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
Farmers will be given encouragement to convert existing buildings into affordable housing, which will help save our rural communities.
There will be no restructuring of the Councils in Suffolk, and your local Council will no longer be able to investigate your affairs unless a magistrate agrees it is necessary for stopping serious crime.
Big Changes but will they happen in Bury St Edmunds?
On 19th May I wrote to Cllr John Griffiths, elected Leader of the Council on 20th May, requesting confirmation that if re-elected Leader he would implement the Coalition Agreement in St Edmundsbury where it was practical and appropriate to do so. At the Annual General Meeting he advised that since the Tories had a majority on St Edmundsbury he saw no need to implement this Agreement here!
Well, we'll see! Lots of work still needs to be done it seems to change attitudes