Reform Europe
Subsequent to the rejection of the Lisbon Treaty by 862,000 of the 500 million people living in the European Union should the whole process come to a halt?
Is it right for such small numbers to have such an impact? Does it reinforce the need for 'everyone' to vote on this issue?
I believe we should abandon these negotiated inter-government treaties altogether. It is time for us to hand over the much needed reform of the European Union to the MEP''s who were democratically elected to represent us in the European Parliament. Do not mistake me I am not asking for the Lisbon Treaty to be passed to the Parliament were it would undoubtedly be passed near unanimously by the MEP's who have actually read it and know what it is about, as against our national tabloid newspapers whose interest is in creating headlines to sell newspapers.
These treaties have become amorphous sponges that soak up good ideas and surround them with legislative gobbledygook that befuddle and confuse those of us without the time to read these huge treaties.
So it is the component parts in the simplest and clearest terms that need to go to Parliament and voted on individually.
It is ironic that a public demanding to see reform in the European Union, and wanting powers returned to national parliaments should vote down the bill designed to deliver on that demand.
The public clearly have no confidence in government negotiated deals at the European level, so it is time to do it differently.