Save our Corn Exchange
I endorse the proposal by the Bury Society to create a modern business design centre in the Corn Exchange. This proposal seeks to create a vibrant embryonic centre for the creation and promotion of new business in the town and has my full support!
The original purpose of the many Corn Exchanges built in the town over the years has been to support and develop the local economy. Of course the world has moved on since Corn drove the local markets, and we now have to consider what future we want for the town and this area.
Most will know there has been a proposal to convert the Corn Exchange into a pub. I consider this a retrograde step that would fail the town. What we need is the sort of progressive centre that the Bury Society have proposed that will help propel Bury St Edmunds into the modern age providing a source of local business development that is sadly lacking from the Tory Local Development Framework, which focuses more on new housing rather than new jobs for the town.
Turning the Corn Exchange into a business design centre will return the building to its original purpose of promoting the economy of the town.