Tactical Voting in Bury St Edmunds
The recent voting figures for Labour are calculated from national and local election results. some County wards cross the constituency boundary and some wards are 2 member wards and these have been adjusted for, but they are as
May 2001: 19,347
May 2005: 14,402
May 2007: 4,781
May 2009: 3,814
With the Tories there vote was:
May 05: 25,405
May 09: 16,854. (while they made 22 gains on Suffolk County Council they
lost 4 in Bury St Edmunds, 2 to Lib Dems, 1 to green, and 1 to independent.
By comparison the Lib Dem vote was:
May 01: 6,998
May 03: 8,222
May 05: 10,423
May 07: 12, 720
Last year our vote fell back to around 10,000 but it was a low turnout and our share of the vote rose 3% to 26%
We just need to harness that collapsed Labour vote that is still 'anti-Tory' at heart to vote for us and we can win the seat knocking the Tory out here and helping frustrate any possible chance of the Tories have a majority.
So that is the basis of the tactical vote opportunity.
Think about your vote, and use it for real change