The price of democracy
I do have sympathy with some of the views expressed by Clive Strutt (EADT 6th Oct) the public really have to decide what they want. These days MP's earn less than the senior civil servants, which in…
I do have sympathy with some of the views expressed by Clive Strutt (EADT 6th Oct) the public really have to decide what they want. These days MP's earn less than the senior civil servants, which in…
Paul Lambillion (BFP 28th August) was right to highlight the problems that arise as a result of poor planning and the residents of Moreton Hall can have no confidence in the Borough Council…
Diana Ronaldson in her letter (EADT 15/8/09) highlighted a problem that working nurses often fear to mention. Their contract makes it a disciplinary offence to speak out, but it is from the…
To Vote, or Not To Vote was the very important issue raised by John Culverwell (EADT 1st August). What is achieved by not voting? Precisely...nothing.
Clive Strutt raised some important issues in his letter (EADT 24th July) with regard to the selection of MP's and Parliamentary procedures. Indeed the Mother of Parliaments is increasingly known…
Barrie Skelcher in his letter (EADT 23rd July) raised concerns over immigration. A concern a lot of people have. It does not help that we do not have accurate figures to enable a proper discussion of…
Friday's editorial opinion on Friday put forward the argument that Trident was needed to provide Britain with a nuclear shield.
Do we need a new Defence Minister? Bob Ainsworth's comments that helicopters do not remove risk is accurate enough but the underlying implication that the shortage of helicopters may not be important…
I am surprised in this modern day that someone should believe that love should follow religious or political dictat rather than the heart. Reverend Sylvia Bareham in her contribution to the June…